The Lesson


The original photograph


The original is a picture of a water fountain on the property where we rented a little stone cottage when I was a young girl. I attempted to used several colors of green while painting in the grass and trees. For the most part, changing colors and lowering the opacity worked pretty well. There are a couple trees that I do not care for, but the overall effect is acceptable. I also had to make several attempts to find a reasonable skin color, but once the photo was reduced in size, that no longer was a problem. I have added three selections with the opacitiy at different settings. The settings are listed on the photos in the bottom right corner. I think I prefer the first setting, at 34, the best.

This is the fountain today! It looks like the fountain, my brother, and I all have changed a bit.



Now, this was entirely too much fun! The hardest part of this technique is choosing the photo to play with. I followed the directions in the lesson as given.