Since no one in my family had ever gone to college, although two attended trade schools, (one graduated as a printer and the other was release from the program because of all his pranks), I assumed I would not attend college either. My father insisted I apply for college, So I chose one catalog from the limited supply in my HS and actually tore the application out of the catalog and filled it out in pen while sitting on the edge of my bed and using the back of a book for a desk. I was surprised when I was asked to come for an interview. I was amazed when I received a letter stating I had been accepted to matriculate at Kutztown State Teacher's College as a History Major. I switched my major to science, biology as a major and physical science as a minor as soon as I found out that the majority of history majors were football jocks and the head instructor the football coach.

My dad bought this jacket for me. I wore it all the way through school until I lived in Italy.

I remember my parents drove me to the college and unloaded me in front of the men's dormitory and wished me luck and left. I noticed several things right away. I had all the freedom I wanted , I could make all of my own decisions, like study or hang out in the student union, and that the school had changed its name to Kutztown State College, the teacher part had been dropped from it's name (it is now called Kutztown University and has grown immensly). Also that year, for the first time, the boys were not in the same bldg as the girls and only separated by a locked hallway door. Racy as that sounds, the girls had some strict rules placed upon them. They could not appear on the front of the campus (or bldgs) that fronted on the highway in shorts. Both boys and girls had to dress for the evening meal, i.e. dresses, skirts, for females and a suit coat for boys. Lunches were a little more casual, but again, we are not talking slouch, racy, etc.outfits. Meals were at tables of ten and each table had a waitresses. Dining wa s part of the education system and to teach us to be gentlemen or ladies. Never sit at a table of all jocks, nor a table of mostly females, say 8 of the ten seats. At that ratio they could chow down as healthily as any man and food was scarcer than if you only had a few girls who played the demure role when outnumbered by men.

Although not an outstanding student, I can pride myself in working a part time college supplied job at night, like janitor cleaning crew in the experimental - laboratory elementary school on campus, or being a cleaning man for the social restruant/cofee shop, soda shop, cum hamburger joint (the Chez Nous, meaning 'our place' in French and also taking heavy loads of courses during the day. Most students took anywhere from 12 to 18 credits each semester, I took 18 to 24 each semester., and because of the loans I was getting, I usually had to start a week behind everyone and catch up. These loans were written by the govt. and if I went into teaching or the military, they would accrue no interest for ten years. Since I went military, (as I graduated in middle of normal school year) and with the high rate of inflation over the next ten years, I was able to pay off three years worth of loans in one payment. (since it was a state school, it only cost $1,000 per semester or maybe it was for a year; for courses, and room & board. Books were extra, about 25 to 40 each) My parents gave me $5 a week spending money when they could.

Following graduation from college, with jobs being scarce in mid year, I decided on a military career, or at least to fulfill what was called the military obligation . I signed up to be a veterinarian's assistant, but on the day I was to depart for basic training, I had them change it to education officer. I had no idea that the military considered their obligation to place you in the field you signed up to be in, only good for one day, then they felt they had fulfilled their obligation and could put you where they wanted you. So I began my career basically as a Personal Officer due to my high verbal scores and skill levels on the military battery of tests. Since I was too young (age 20) to receive a commission as an officer immediately upon enlistment, I decided to attend Basic Training as a regular inductee; figuring this would let me know if I could take and follow orders before I attempted to give them. I always remembered/ beleved anyone could make the easy decisions, I was being paid to make the difficult ones.


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Joanne's Biography