Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

2024 seems to have passed quickly this spin around the sun. It has been a good year. Although we are pretty much attached to our rollators (walkers with seats and wheels), we have had no hospital stays this past year. There is a steady stream of visits to doctors and practitioners, but they are mostly routine. We do put on quite a show though when we travel. After locating the nearest handicap spot for parking, I haul my travel rollator out of the back seat. Once I set that up, I haul Ron's rollator out of the trunk and get that set for Ron. Then we proceed to wander off to whatever office we intend to visit. After the appoinment, the process is reversed to store the rollators and get back in the car! I dread the day that I can no longer drive. But, hopefully, that will be off in the distant future.

All of our grandchildren are now off on their own. Zach and Sky still come by to visit and either will come if I need them to help out. I have finally broken down and hired a girl who sweeps, mops, and cleans bathrooms for me once a week. She also hauls trash cans to and from the pick up spot. So, most of the more difficult things are now done for me.

Several house projects were completed this year. Our biggest and most beautiful was the kitchen renovation. It is such a happy place now. We also had the carport and deck sanded, stained and sealed.

Health-wise, Ron is still holding his own. I think his attention span may be a little shorter, but he still dresses, feeds himself, takes his meds and does his own insulin injections. He is better walking without the rollator in the house, but uses it most of the time for balance. He started a stock portfolio many years ago. Each night, Monday through Friday, I print out the daily report. He spends most of his time going over the figures and lamenting or reveling in the ups and downs of the market. It is not a huge portfolio, but it is the only thing that seems to hold his interest. We have fun discussing it.

I am doing fairly well. My days consist mainly of making meals, feeding the two and four footed residents here. I still foster kittens for the Humane Society, so they take up some of the time too. I do have a luncheon with fellow retired school people and a book club meeting once a month. So I do get out of the house now and then. However, I do enjoy staying home and enjoying the peace and quiet. We had a propane fireplace insert installed when we moved in. (I wasn't going to deal with a fireplace, wood, and soot!). Our weather has finally turned cold, and our little fireplace takes the chill out of the family room each morning. The weather people are saying we might even have a white Christmas this year. It has been quite awhile since that has happened (2009).

As usual, it is our hope that you have had a healthy and happy year. May 2025 be a great year for all of us!


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