Raising children and teaching school took up most of our time. But, we did get to do some fun things away from the house. Ron and I were able to take two science teacher field trips. The first was to southeastern Maine, with some stops along the way. We toured Acadia National Park, Maine, went whale watching, and stopped in Pennsylvania on the way back to look for fossil leaves in the shale banks.


Cranberry Island, Maine

Whale watching and fossil hunting

Another really fantastic trip was to the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador. It was an unbelievable trip and one that was truly a thrill to have taken.


We even got to visit Reno again for my niece Jenny's wedding, and to spend a week with good friends Barb and Pete in Denver, Colorado.

On the home front, both kids had grown and were starting out on their own.

As are the ways of the world today, neither marriage worked out, but we did get our first grandchildren, Amielia and Trey (Hal III).

Frank's luck changed when he met and married Morgan.


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Ron's Biography