The updates continue. The past 3+ years have seen many changes. Frank and his family continue to grow and prosper. All three children are honor students and enjoy school.

On the other hand, Ami and Logan never married. Ami became homeless a couple years ago, and we are now raising her 3 girls. At present, they are 20, 14, and 11. That truly makes life interesting around here!

Daegan and Kieren are well. We have been doctoring with Daegan for the past 15 months with what started out as low platelets and an abscess under the skin of her leg. She has had 3 minor surgeries and is finally beginning to heal properly.

Ron keeps on keeping on. Diabetes and endocrine issues keep him busy and visiting doctors monthly. All in all though, he is doing well for an old man!

I continue replacing and removing. The past year was a removal year with an hysterectomy and gall bladder removal. The biggest issue was sepsis that happened 4 days after the gall bladder surgery. That put me in the hospital for a 9 day stay. After a two week home treatment, I am once again back on my feet and running constantly with activities for the girls and dogs. So far, 2015, has been OK, but we are only a quarter of the way into it!

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Ron's Biography