Daegan the Athlete

Rock Hound

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Daegan's favorite sport is Rock Hockey! She has become quite good at it, although the rock often doesn't play fair and hides under the car to escape.

Daegan had her well-puppy annual check up on June 3, 2010. She got a glowing report from the vet. However, he does want her to start on scheduled feeding rather than free feeding. Daegan continues to weigh about 150 pounds (149 at this visit), and he doesn't want her to gain much more weight at this point. We are also just about finished with the current obedience class and have been practicing rally commands. Daegan is doing prety well!

June 8, 2010---Daegan earned her CGC (Canine Good Citizen). This test shows that a dog is friendly, has good manners, can follow directions, and will obey commands. One of the tests elements is for the owner to leave the dog with a stranger for 3 minutes and the dog has to behave, not be shy or cowering with the stranger. Well, while I stayed sequestered in the ladies' room filling out CGC paperwork, another of the club members was showing the evaluator (the stranger holding the dog) how Daegan can catch treats in mid-air! They had so much fun playing with Daegan, that passing the test was a given!

Cascio and his family, Monica and her dad Chris, came for a Sunday afternoon visit. Daegan and Cascio had a wonderful time. Cascio is 9 months old, so he has the energy to keep Daegan on her toes. Daegan loved the opportunity to run and wrestle and just have a fun doggie time.

Daegan has completed her third obedience class. We played with some rally and some agility activities during this session. Although "Mastiff time" sort of defeats the purpose of agility, Daegan did a pretty good job with the rally tasks. She now has another certificate for her scrapbook!


PitaPata Dog tickers

Baby Daegan Daegan ~ 2-3 Months Old Daegan Grows Puppy Kindergarten Daegan ~ 4-5 Months Daegan's Christmas Wish Daegan ~ 6 Months
Daegan ~ 7-8 Months Daegan ~ 9-10 Months Daegan ~ 11 Months Happy Birthday, Daegan Daegan ~ 13 to 17 Months Daegan - 18-19 Months Daegan and Kieren